Do you know just how versatile blocks are? Every home should have a barrel (or two) of these on hand for some group fun!
6 Months: Babies love gnawing on blocks, but they may also swat at or even hold one.
12 Months: He discovers he can make noise by banging two blocks together. He’ll also have fun knocking over any architectural masterpiece you construct.
18 Months: Let the stacking begin! Your toddler can balance two or three blocks on top of each other.
2 Years: His structures are taller, and his coordination is better. He can competently stack four to seven blocks. He can also sort blocks into piles by colour and may even pretend that a block is something else, like a car or a boat.
3 Years: More building fun — your little one now creates structures that resemble real-world landmarks such as forts, bridges, and tunnels.
Safety Tip
The best wooden blocks are made of hard wood like maple or beech, so they won’t chip, dent, or splinter. But make sure you supervise your child’s block play so he doesn’t wield them like weapons.
Flash Fact
Research shows that children spend more time exploring objects and focusing on complex tasks when playing with a parent than when playing alone — so grab a block, Mom!