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Happy families

Happy Families 1
Product Code: A1001
Availability: In Stock

Price: R 66


Play 2 Learn has a variety of card games available – they’ll all be firm favourites whether you’re teaching the children to play or involving parents and grandparents too.


Cards are laminated, making them friendly for little hands.

Each pack of cards is boxed and comes with comprehensive instructions for playing, just in case you’ve forgotten.


Remember that there are MANY OTHER WAYS to play with these card games  :

  • Pair up the cards – you could start this from 2 years old.
  • Pick any card and make up a story – with names, sounds . . .  children love this and before very long they’ll be the ones repeating the story to you.
  • Memory games, but start with only one or two pairs for very young children.  Gradually add sets of cards as children learn.



Another old-time favourite – it’s one of our favourites.

These are perfect families  :  Dad, Mom, Son, Daughter  (always a pigeon pair)


Let me introduce you to some of the family’s  :

Tooth family              –    Dentist                                       Tractor family      –    Farmer

Track family  –    Train driver                               Muffin family                   –    Baker

Comb family  –    Hairdresser                               Handcuff family   –    Policeman

Coal family     –    Miner                                          Cloud family         –    Pilot


Each person in the family is holding something used in that profession, eg with the Handcuff

family the different family members are holding the following items : police car, police jacket,

police helmet and you’ll see Miss Handcuff holding a teddy bear bearing handcuffs.

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